1. Mix the plaster of Paris according to the instructions on the package and fill the silicone form with the mixture. Read here: Plaster of Paris Tutorial for an illustrated tutorial. These are now the dried figures used for this proejct.
2. Now you will paint the figures. The following examples will demonstrate the bunny.
3. Completely paint the bunny brown and set it aside to dry.
4. The dried bunny really looks like a chocolate bunny.
5. Now you can dip a paint brush into a little bit of white paint. Stroke the brush onto a piece of paper towel to remove practically all the paint again so that the brush is practically dry. Then use the paint brush to catch the raised and lower details on the figure, to accent or highlight them. If using the figures as decorations you can stop here.
6. You can glue a wooden dowel to the backside of the figure and add a ribbon bow to create plant sticks.