1. Print out the patterns to your choice of size. 2. Use the tutorial below. Lay the sheet of plastic over the design and trace the design using the outliner paint. 3. Let the outliner paint dry. This could take up to 2 hours. 4. Fill in the areas with the colors of choice. 5. Let the designs dry 24 hours. Once completely dry, cut the designs out.
You have a choice of how to use the finished pictures:
You may either punch a small hole in the top of the design and hang with a string or wire or...
You may choose to apply the design directly onto the window. Do this by pressing the design with the painted side to the window.
When you wish to remove the picture simply peel it from the window. If it is colder outside, you may need to use a hair dryer to warm the picture. This will make it easier to remove.