Felt Easter Bunny Egg Cosy
These sweet felt bunnies are not only practical to keep your eggs warm on the Easter breakfast table but are also great decorations as well. You can sew a set of four within an hour.
To make these four bunnies you will need:
- a 50 x 70 cm sheet of 3mm thick white felt - purple sewing thread - purple and white checked textile ribbon, 1 cm wide - 1.5 cm buttons in the color of purple - hot glue gun - trick marker (marker used for marking fabrics - the markings dissapear within a few day or immediately when moistened)
1. Print out the pattern so that the height of the bunny measures 21 cm. Glue the pattern onto a piece of cardboard like a cereal box and cut it out. Now you have a stable template to trace around. 2. Cut out 2 felt rectangles that are larger than the pattern and pin together. Trace the bunny shape onto the top layer of felt. 3. Sew using a zig-zag stitch on the marked line through the two layers and make sure to leave the bottom open. Then cut the bunny out with about a 5-7 mm or 1/4 inch border. 4. Hot glue on the eye and create a small ribbon bow and glue it on as well.
The bunny keeps the egg warm until you are ready to eat it. Purple was used for the sewing thread as well as the ribbon and button embellishments, but you can use any other color you like to coordinate with your table settings.
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