1. Cut out a long strip of white cardstock to match the length of your card. Cut out strips of red cardstock of the same width and glue these at even intervals onto the white strip as seen in the picture. 2. Glue the white strip onto the blue card. 3. Out of raffia, cut out a long length of 2 or 3 strands and set aside.. 4. With paper punch, cut out red and white stars out of the cardstock. In one red star, punch a hole and hammer an eyelet onto this hole. 5. Pull the raffia through the hole and make a bow in front of the star. 6. Glue the stars at various heights on the dangling ends of the raffia. Fix a couple of red beads also on the ends and secure with a knot. 7. Glue the raffia star on the top right of the card.